10 Games Like DnD On Switch

Many people love the game of DnD, and that’s awesome. However, sometimes, you can’t play as much as you would want to due to availability or time issues. That’s where your Nintendo Switch comes in.

Since the Switch is a portable console, you can play at your leisure at almost any point, and some games are almost as good as an actual session of DnD.

Below, I’ve listed 10 games that I find to be similar to DnD. Some are more similar than others, and the manner of similarity certainly differs depending on the game, but they are all suitable candidates as a substitute for the real thing.

1. Baldur’s Gate I & II Enhanced Edition

Baldur’s Gate I & II to the Switch comes with the same disc, meaning you get both of them if you buy the Enhanced Edition for Switch.

Now, Baldur’s Gate is one of the best RPG games ever if you ask many people. You should try it for that reason alone, to be completely honest. It is the first game that really tried to incorporate DnD into its gameplay. Everything from lore to combat is directly DnD-related.

If you haven’t tried the game(s) and want to play something like DnD, this should be the first thing on your list. The enhanced edition not only offers both the first and second games together but also includes quality-of-life updates.

2. Divinity: Original Sin 2

One can easily conclude that the Divinity series was made by DnD fans, and after their first entry was a Kickstarter success, conditions were great for the successor, Divinity 2: Original Sin.

It’s an amazing game filled to the brim with unique content and storylines and also offers great options and different styles of play in combat. Moreover, you can play it with friends if you want to.

You can easily put in over 100 hours in this game without having explored all of the different places and storylines in the game, which gives the game great potential for further playthroughs.

3. Planescape Torment & Icewind Dale: Enhanced Editions

Planetscape Torment and Icewind Dale are both included if you buy the Enhanced Edition for the Switch. They’re both made by the same company and are both RPG classics.

In terms of gameplay, they differ quite a bit, as Planescape Torment is a very story-centric game with a lot of roleplaying elements, while Icewind Dale is more of a combat-focused experience.

They’re both great games, however, and I strongly recommend that you try them if you want to play games that are similar to Baldur’s Gate, with the spirit of DnD packed into them.

4. Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition

As you have probably noticed at this point, Enhanced Editions are a common occurrence with the games on this list. That stands to reason, as many of the great DnD-inspired games are pretty old.

Enhanced editions usually come with better textures and quality-of-life changes, and this is true for Neverwinter Nights as well.

Neverwinter Nights takes place in the Forgotten Realms campaign of DnD. Moreover, it is based on DnD 3E and even comes with an editor, so that you can run your own adventures, much like real DnD.

Neverwinter Nights is in general a fine example of how games successfully can adopt DnD into a video game setting.

5. Fire Emblem: 3 Houses

Fire Emblem: 3 Houses is technically a JRPG, which for some immediately excludes it from being similar to DnD, but I think there are some arguments to be made that they have a lot in common.

For example, strategic planning, character development, and a strong focus on narrative points are common in both DnD and Fire Emblem.

It’s a fine game to play if you’ve already played the majority of games on this list so far and are looking for something new. The game involves a lot of puzzles which can be difficult, so if you’re looking to buy something for young kids, this one might not be for you.

6. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

Pillars of Eternity 2 is very similar to Baldurs Gate in my opinion, which makes the spirit of the game very much like DnD.

A lot of the game mechanics in PoE2 are similar to TTRPGs such as DnD. This goes from everything to character creation, skill trees, and spellcasting.

If you want a modern take on the Baldur’s Gate series with a different flare, this game is for you. It’s one of the best isometric RPGs in the last few years.

7. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain was originally released in 1982 as a tabletop game, and the videogame of the same name is based on that tabletop game.

It’s a simulation of a TTRPG, which puts a big focus on storytelling and narrative points. It’s only available for single-player, however.

The game involves a lot of classic TTRPG activities, such as exploration, dialogue, and fighting monsters using dice. It’s a great game, and I certainly recommend it if you want a fun, unique, experience.

8. Dragon Quest XI

Dragon Quest XI is another JRPG that I think is worth exploring if you’re looking for new, DnD-similar games for the Switch. It has all of the classic RPG elements (exploration, combat, character development, etc), with a unique art style.

The game has a boatload of content, a solid story, some of the coolest world-building of modern RPG games, and good turn-based combat.

9. Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Zelda: Breath of the Wild is up there with the best RPG titles of all time, in my opinion, so you should play it just for the experience. Luckily for people who like DnD, there are similarities to be found here, although they aren’t particularly exclusive to Zelda.

The game includes many of the things I’ve mentioned previously in this article – exploration, character and gear development, and more. Zelda: Breath of the Wild also has a lot of puzzle dungeons, something that many DnD players like.

You learn the story of the game through investigation and progression, something that I and a lot of other people appreciate with the game. For me, that’s very important in DnD as well.

10. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

As you probably know, Pathfinder is originally a TTRPG similar to DnD. Pathfinder: WotR is based on the TTRPG Pathfinder, and they’ve done a great job integrating parts of the TTRPG into the videogame experience.

The TTRPG Pathfinder is itself in a lot of ways based on DnD, so you can probably understand why WotR is similar to DnD. It’s a lot more complex and deep than many other games on the list in a lot of aspects.

For players who haven’t played DnD or similar titles, the game’s character creator alone can cause some confusion. However, it’s solely a good thing for experienced TTRPG players.


Jibral, the youngest of 5 brothers, was thrown into a world full of games, roleplaying, martial arts, and cosplay sometime during the 90s. This fusion created the ever-so-humble nerd you see before your eyes.

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