Can You Lose Companions In Baldur’s Gate 3 Permanently?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, companions can be found and recruited throughout the game. There are a total of 10 companions. Your first meeting with a companion can end in multiple ways depending on the dialogue.

But among the options, you’ll find the option to recruit the companion. Both single- and multiplayer campaigns can recruit companions to either join the party or stay at camp to converse or join the fight later on in the game.

These companions have their own stories, ambitions, and enemies. Players will be able to continue the companion’s quest, which opens up more cutscenes and sidequests when certain places are visited with the right companion in the party.

Naturally, after investing a good bit of time and gear into the companion, players have started asking:

Can you lose a companion in Baldur’s Gate 3 permanently?

Yes, you can lose your companion in Baldur’s Gate but it rarely happens without your consent. There are different story paths that result in companions permanently leaving the party or dying but players will have to make that decision through dialogue. Companions can also leave the party if they disapprove of your actions to the point where they’ve lost all respect, which takes a lot of time to achieve.

But it should be noted that none of the companions are necessary in order to finish the game, it will just play out differently than it would if you had kept them. This is made obvious by the fact that you don’t even have to recruit them in the first place. You’re always given an option.

Some companions will only be available to recruit if you’ve chosen a certain path early in the game, as you might’ve already built up a bad reputation or gone against their cause but most of them can always be recruited.

Can You Get Companions Back In BG3?

If your companion died in battle, then you’ll be able to bring them back by helping them up, casting revivify on them, or by talking to Withers in camp – if you’ve gained access to him.

If you and your companion end up fighting one another and the companion is killed, then you won’t be able to bring your companion back. Not even Withers wields powers strong enough to do so.

If your companion leaves you, you won’t be able to get the companion back either. They might, however, leave you temporarily in certain areas, but for very short periods of time then return again.

How Many Companions Can You Have In Baldur’s Gate 3?

Your party can only consist of four members, but you’re allowed to have as many companions as possible in your camp. As I stated earlier, there’s a total of 10 companions.

Those who you recruit without using in your party will find their place in the camp and receive experience when the rest of your party does, meaning they will have gained levels in accordance with the rest of your party.

You can also recruit hirelings, a type of custom-made companion without a backstory. This can be a good option if the other companions aren’t to your liking, but you’ll miss their stories.

Can You Beat Baldur’s Gate 3 With No Companions?

You don’t need companions in order to beat the game but it’s quite difficult without them. Without companions, you best have a good strategy and make use of the terrain whenever possible.

The most important part, possibly, is to collect experience from every possible source so your character grows strong early on.

Which Companions Are Easy To Miss In Baldur’s Gate 3?

To tell you the truth, there are plenty of missable companions in the game. But if you’re a completionist who wants to talk to every non-player character in the game and explore every nook and cranny of the map, then you’ll most likely run into the companions.

The following companions are considered more missable than others if you ask me:

  • Gale – Found in the teleportation stone north of the crash site.
  • Karlach – Found south of the Toll House along the stream.
  • Minthara – The drow in goblin camp whom Halsin asks you to defeat.

The last one, Minthara, is probably the most missable as you’re on a warpath with the intention of getting rid of the leaders of the goblin camp.


Kyle was introduced to tabletop games at a young age and has loved them ever since. Starting a family hasn't stopped him from visiting his fantasy workshop. On the other hand, it has given him the chance to recruit developing players, also known as his kids.

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