What Are Backgrounds in DnD 5e?

Backgrounds are fantastic RPG elements in DnD that let you flesh out your character. Is your character a criminal, a war hero, or something entirely different?

Even though it is a great concept, it can be a confusing one for new players. That’s why I’ve written this resource. After reading this, you hopefully understand what backgrounds in DnD are and what they do for you. So, what are backgrounds in DnD?

Backgrounds in DnD explain how your character has lived up to the point where you start playing it. This provides guidance and depth when it comes to roleplaying, and also bonuses in the forms of proficiencies, features, and some starting gear. Backgrounds are usually found in sourcebooks or adventure books, such as the Player’s Handbook.

There’s more to this, of course. Keep reading to find out all of the published backgrounds in DnD and what they do for you both in a roleplaying and gameplay balancing aspect.

What Are Backgrounds in DnD 5e?

As I mentioned before, characters’ backgrounds are supposed to give us an idea of what they did before, and the backgrounds are (naturally) selected when you first create your character.

Backgrounds are mainly in DnD to provide additional depth to characters, for example, there will be others in the world with your particular background, so why aren’t you one of them? What made you become an adventurer? These are all questions that you’ll want to answer when first creating a character.

In other words, backgrounds help a lot in fleshing out characters. Every background in DnD has suggested flaws, strengths, personality traits, and more. Of course, these are only suggestions, you can do as you please.

I also mentioned that backgrounds in DnD provide proficiencies, gear, and more. Here’s what you typically get from a background:

  • A couple of skill proficiencies (usually 1 or 2)
  • Languages (usually one or 2)
  • Some gear that reflects your background
  • A feature that can have multiple different purposes

The features differ quite a lot. For example, Acolytes have a feature called Shelter of the Faithful where they have an increased chance of receiving free shelter and healing from temples they visit.

As you can tell, backgrounds in DnD aren’t particularly complicated, but they are important nonetheless. Let’s go through some more details about the different backgrounds in DnD.

What Are the Different Backgrounds?

There are almost an infinite number of backgrounds in the Dungeons and Dragons universe if you combine homebrew backgrounds with all of the backgrounds found in the different sourcebooks.

I’ll present you with the list of backgrounds that are officially published in DnD. Hold on to your hats, cause there are a lot of them!

AcolyteBasic RulesShelter of the FaithfulInsight, Religion
Acolyte – Baldur’s GateBaldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusShelter of the FaithfulInsight, Religion
Acolyte (Luxonborn)Explorer’s Guide to WildemountShelter of the FaithfulInsight, Religion
AnthropologistTomb of AnnihilationAdept LinguistInsight, Religion
ArchaeologistTomb of AnnihilationHistorical KnowledgeHistory, Survival
AthleteMythic Odysseys of TherosEchoes of VictoryAthletics, Acrobatics
Azorius FunctionaryGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaLegal AuthorityInsight, Intimidation
Boros LegionnaireGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaLegion StationAthletics, Intimidation
Celebrity Adventurer’s ScionAcquisitions IncorporatedName DroppingPerception, Performance
CharlatanPlayer’s HandbookFalse IdentityDeception, Sleight of Hand
Charlatan (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusFalse IdentityDeception, Sleight of Hand
City Watch / InvestigatorSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideWatcher’s EyeAthletics, Insight
Clan CrafterSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideRespect of the Stout FolkHistory, Insight
Cloistered ScholarSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideLibrary AccessHistory + one from Arcana, Nature, Religion
CourtierSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideCourt FunctionaryInsight, Persuasion
Criminal (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusCriminal ContactDeception, Stealth
Criminal (Myriad Operative)Explorer’s Guide to WildemountCriminal ContactDeception, Stealth
Criminal / SpyBasic RulesCriminal ContactDeception, Stealth
Dimir OperativeGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaFalse IdentityDeception, Stealth
EntertainerPlayer’s HandbookBy Popular DemandAcrobatics, Performance
Entertainer (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusBy Popular DemandAcrobatics, Performance
FacelessBaldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusDual PersonalitiesDeception, Intimidation
Faction AgentSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideSafe HavenInsight, 1x of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (Depending on faction)
Failed MerchantAcquisitions IncorporatedSupply ChainInvestigation, Persuasion
Far TravelerSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideAll Eyes on YouInsight, Perception
FisherGhosts of SaltmarshHarvest the WaterHistory, Survival
Folk HeroBasic RulesRustic HospitalityAnimal Handling, Survival
Folk Hero (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusRustic HospitalityAnimal Handling, Survival
GamblerAcquisitions IncorporatedNever Tell Me the OddsDeception, Insight
GladiatorPlayer’s HandbookBy Popular DemandAcrobatics, Performance
Golgari AgentGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaUndercity PathsNature, Survival
GrinnerExplorer’s Guide to WildemountBallad of the Grinning FoolDeception, Performance
Gruul AnarchGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaRubblebelt RefugeAnimal Handling, Athletics
Guild Artisan (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusGuild MembershipInsight, Persuasion
Guild Artisan / Guild MerchantPlayer’s HandbookGuild MembershipInsight, Persuasion
Haunted OneCurse of Strahd: Character OptionsHeart of DarknessChoose two from Arcana, Investigation, Religion, or Survival
HermitPlayer’s HandbookDiscoveryMedicine, Religion
Hermit (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusDiscoveryMedicine, Religion
House Agent (Cannith)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Deneith)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Ghallanda)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Jorasco)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Kundarak)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Lyrandar)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Medani)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Orien)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Phiarlan)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Sivis)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Tharashk)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Thuranni)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
House Agent (Vadalis)Wayfinder’s Guide to EberronHouse ConnectionsInvestigation, Persuasion
InheritorSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideInheritanceSurvival + one from among Arcana, History, and Religion
InvestigatorVan Richten’s Guide to RavenloftOfficial InquiryChoose two from Investigation, Insight, Perception
Izzet EngineerGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaUrban InfrastructureArcana, Investigation
KnightPlayer’s HandbookRetainersHistory, Persuasion
Knight of the OrderSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideKnightly RegardPersuasion + one from Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion (depending on Order)
MarineGhosts of SaltmarshSteadyAthletics, Survival
Mercenary VeteranSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideMercenary LifeAthletics, Persuasion
NobleBasic RulesPosition of PrivilegeHistory, Persuasion
Noble (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusPosition of PrivilegeHistory, Persuasion
Orzhov RepresentativeGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaLeverageIntimidation, Religion
OutlanderPlayer’s HandbookWandererAthletics, Survival
Outlander (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusWandererAthletics, Survival
PiratePlayer’s HandbookBad ReputationAthletics, Perception
PlaintiffAcquisitions IncorporatedLegaleseMedicine, Persuasion
Rakdos CultistGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaFearsome ReputationAcrobatics, Performance
Rival InternAcquisitions IncorporatedInside InformantHistory, Investigation
SageBasic RulesResearcherArcana, History
Sage(Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusResearcherArcana, History
Sage (Cobalt Scholar)Explorer’s Guide to WildemountResearcherArcana, History
SailorPlayer’s HandbookShip’s PassageAthletics, Perception
Sailor (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusShip’s PassageAthletics, Perception
Sailor (Revelry Pirate)Explorer’s Guide to WildemountShip’s PassageAthletics, Perception
Selesnya InitiateGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaConclave’s ShelterNature, Persuasion
ShipwrightGhosts of SaltmarshI’ll Patch It!History, Perception
Simic ScientistGuildmasters’ Guide to RavnicaResearcherArcana, Medicine
SmugglerGhosts of SaltmarshDown LowAthletics, Deception
SoldierBasic RulesMilitary RankAthletics, Intimidation
Soldier (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusMilitary RankAthletics, Intimidation
Spy (Augen Trust)Explorer’s Guide to WildemountCriminal ContactDeception, Stealth
Urban Bounty HunterSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideEar to the GroundChoose two from Deception, Insight, Persuasion, and Stealth
UrchinPlayer’s HandbookCity SecretsSleight of Hand, Stealth
Urchin (Baldur’s Gate)Baldur’s Gate: Descent into AvernusCity SecretsSleight of Hand, Stealth
Uthgardt Tribe MemberSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideUthgardt HeritageAthletics, Survival
Volstrucker AgentExplorer’s Guide to WildemountShadow NetworkDeception, Stealth
Waterdhavian NobleSword Coast Adventurer’s GuideKept in StyleHistory, Persuasion

As you can see, if you have the books, there is a boatload of background options in DnD 5e. Most of these books are worth buying, I’d say. On average they’re available for about $20 which is good value considering what you get.

Can I Do a Custom Background?

Whether or not you’re allowed to create a custom background for your character depends if your DM wants you to or not, but it can certainly be a good idea if you can’t find a background that suits you.

The Player’s Handbook actually states that you should feel free to come up with an original background. Usually, it’s very straightforward. First, select two proficiencies, then borrow a trait from another background. Feel free to use that giant table above for this purpose!

However, there are some rules that you should follow:

  • Replace a trait or make a new one (cooperate with your DM)
  • Choose only up to 2 skill proficiencies
  • Choose only up to 2 languages/tools
  • Either “spend” 175 gold for gear or use another background’s gear
  • Either come up with your own flaws, personality traits, and strengths or borrow from another background!

After you’ve done this, you’re going to need some gear. A good rule of thumb for this is using 175 gold since that’s usually what the gear from backgrounds is worth.

Just remember to anchor your character’s identity to its background. Provide flaws, strengths, and personality traits that have come about from the history of your character.

Do Backgrounds Affect Stats?

An important note is that backgrounds do not affect your stats. This is a common question that new players have because backgrounds go hand in hand with other things such as race in character creation, which do affect the stats of a character.

Of course, if you want to use homebrew rules which make backgrounds affect stats, that’s up to you, however, in the official rules of DnD, they don’t.

What Are the Best Backgrounds in 5e?

Backgrounds are, as we’ve talked about in this article, mostly used for flavor, and their impact on the balance of the game isn’t that big compared with other things such as class and race.

There really aren’t any backgrounds that are better than others, that would simply be unsustainable for a game like DnD. People would choose backgrounds based on power level instead of flavor, and that’s not what backgrounds are for in the first place.

There are backgrounds that are more commonly used with some character builds, however, for example, a Fighter with a Soldier background, or a Rogue with a Criminal background.

These backgrounds go very well with the mentioned classes, of course, but they aren’t stronger than any other combinations, really.


Jibral, the youngest of 5 brothers, was thrown into a world full of games, roleplaying, martial arts, and cosplay sometime during the 90s. This fusion created the ever-so-humble nerd you see before your eyes.

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